My place in time – Somebody’s special day.

This is my place in time.

Hello, yes I am still alive, and still chipping away at this project I started back in May 2013. I thought I’d be finished by now, but whilst my camera still gets a workout, I don’t often get to blog as much as I’d like to.

#68 – Somebody’s special day.

In August 2019, I visited Fremantle, Western Australia. Freo is a very popular spot for wedding photography, especially around the door of The Roundhouse. I was taking pictures of the nearby architecture when I spotted a wedding party  having their professional pictures taken. I stood a little way away and captured some of the fun.

My place in time #68 – Somebody’s special day.

These photos were taken as part of the “My place in time” project. I started the project in May 2013 to encourage myself (and others) to document our local areas through photographs. There are 100 prompts, and it’s recommended that those partaking, print their photographs when finished so there’s a hard copy for future generations.

If you’d like to see the project prompts and progress so far, please click here.

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